Our church is led by a combination of staff and laity.

We are locally governed by a leadership board of lay people.

Scott Long

Director of Music Ministries

Tenson Liang

M.Me., pianist

Our Staff

Rev. Sean McIntyre


Cheryl Reams

Office Administrator

Our Board

CUMC’s Leadership Board consists of members of the church. The Board serves in multiple roles and serves all functions listed in our Book of Discipline: Finance, Staff Parish Relations, Trustees and Council. The board is responsible for working with the congregation, the pastor and the staff to move the church forward in achieving our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Nominations Team nominates board members. Board members serve in three year terms.

Nathan Chitwood, Chair Laurel DeBoer Steve Ingebritson Sam Jennings

Debbie Nix Duane Nix Greg Ray Brittney Stevenson

Carolyn Williams, UMW, Ex Officio